piątek, 28 lipca 2023

IV edycja międzynarodowego projektu "Technikoludek czyli dziecko w świecie technologii" - INTERNATIONAL PROJECT

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Technikoludek- a child in the world of technology.

nationwide educational project 4th edition

Modern technologies are the integral part of our lives. The world is changing all the time. It is moving forward and developing rapidly. Technological progress should help us in everyday life. However, very often this isn’t the case. Children are being constantly overwhelmed with tablets, smartphones, gaming consoles. Nevertheless, we can’t give up on using technology entirely and introducing children to the world of technology. The ability of using multimedia tools may be one of the ways of acquiring knowledge and new skills. Educational project ‘Technikoludek- a child in the world of technology’ is the continuation of the project which started in 2020 in order to shape pro-health attitude, care about spending time with family, make children sensitive to beauty of the surronding world and care about safety and responsibility among the youngest. All of this we want to do with the use of modern technology.

 The originators and authors are kindergarten’s teachers Agnieszka Chudzik and Aleksandra Mazur

and the main organiser is Kindergarten no 41 in Rybnik


11, Chabrowa Street

Rybnik  44-210 Poland

tel. no.32 424 08 65

email: przedszkole41@op.pl

web site://www.p41.miastorybnik.pl/

 The main aim of the project

Developing of key competences through introduction of a child into the world of technology, values, beauty and health.

Developing of cooperation of kindergarten and primary school teachers in Poland and nationwide.

 Specific objectives

Developing of key competences

1. In terms of understanding and creating information

  • Developing of linguistic competences including mastering a child’s ability to speak and making parents aware of  the importance and meaning of speech in child’s development

2. In terms of multilingual competence

  • Developing of skills in using a foreign language

3 In terms of mathematical skills and skills in science, technology and engineering

  • Developing of counting skills, coding with the use of games, interactive programs
  • Making  children sensitive to the beauty of nature, seasons and surrounding world, including raising children’s interests in the world around us, promoting of programs presenting beauty and natural values. Shaping of pro environmental attitudes

4. In terms of digital competences

  • Developing of skills in using modern equipment. Raising children’s and parents’ awareness of the effects of excessive use of modern technology.

5. In terms of personal, social skills and learning skills

  • Developing of social and prosocial attitudes through taking part in events, trips, activities, meetings, contests
  • Shaping of pro-family attitudes including strengthening family ties, relations with peers, drawing attention to the role of the family in helping the child in difficult situations. Shaping of character traits such as openness, sociability, solidarity, placidity, being active and  optimistic,

6. In terms of civic competences

  • Developing of the awarenessof caring about the environment and country through taking part in actions, celebrations, important events organised in the kindergarten. Introducing to caring for the common good of the group. Shaping of children’s patriotic virtues.

7. In terms of entrepreneurial skills

  • Developing of children’s independence. Raising children’s motivation to act.  Developing planning skills. Promoting of kindergarten’s activity.

8. In terms of cultural awareness and expression competence

  • Developing the ability to express feelings, emotions, ideas with help of different means of expression such as music, dance, art.


As for the teachers:

·       Developing teachers’ technological skills

·       Sharing experience and ideas among teachers

·       Promotion of educational institution and teacher’ activities

 Project duration:

The project is realised from September 2023 to June 2024

 Terms of participation:

 Kindergartens and primary schools in Poland and all over the world can take part in the project. Participation is voluntary and free of charge.

Project submission from 15th August  to 15th September (later after the organiser’ acceptance)- application form to fill in on facebook page.

Teachers willing to take part in the project are obliged to obtain consent of parents of children taking part in the project and keeping the statements in the project documentation. The statements should be written according to the directions of each educational institution in agreement with

data protection officer

 Project participants to realise the project objectives and give short description with a photo-report on facebook page. The project group should be treated as source of inspiration, ideas and teachers experience exchange.

The report should be written in the following way:

School year 2023/24- Kindergarten no… in…..

Realised in September:

Facebook site:

https://www.facebook.com/groups/569304870415103? modal=false&should_open_composer=false&hoisted_section_header_type=notifi cations&show_migration_preparation_dialog=false&show_migration_onboarding_ dialog=false

  • Every institution chooses a coordinator of the project, whose task is to apply for the project, supervising the actions, contact with organisers, making online reports and sending a final report on the project realisation.
  • In order to receive a certificate of doing the project one needs to do at least 8 tasks and fill in the evaluation form until 15 July 2024. There are four tasks on every month from which one should choose one task to complete. . The tasks are realised according to a schedule.They can be done by one group in the kindergarten or more groups
  • We encourage to do additional activities described at the end of the list. At the same time we point out that realising of these additional tasks is not necessary to receive the certificate.
  • The organisor informs that during the school year there may be organised contests for children and teachers.

We encourage to sharing your knowledge and experience through conducting trainings dealing with multimedia tools and modern technologies in your educational institutions and sharing them on your project website. Every one who shares such training will receive an official acknowledgement letter


We would like to inform that the project may become an innovation at your educational institution. It should be pointed out that the innovation is realised on the basis of National Educational Project created by Aleksandra Mazur and Agnieszka Chudzik and organised by Kindergarten no 41 in Rybnik

Unauthorised copying of the content is prohibited


  • ‘Who is Technikoludek?’ introducing the main character of the project. Listening to a story about Technikoludek e.g. ‘First day of Techikoludek in kindergarten’ by A. Mazur from the book ‘Technikoludek’s poems and stories’ by A.Chudzik, K. Ciupek, a. Mazur. Creating of Technikoludek’s corner including different technological equipment (old keyboards, phones, calculators, cameras etc)

The story can be downloaded from the project web site.

  • ‘Technikoludek- my friend’ making a spatial figure of Technikoludek for the technological corner- a contest in the kindergarten. Placing the figure in the corner as a reminder of the project
  • ‘Our encounters with Technikoludek’ creating a project chronicle. A voluntary pupil, with parents’ help, makes illustrations presenting activities with Technikoludek his group have done in a given month. The teacher prepares a template for each illustration in a form of a film frame and creates an album out of all the illustrations.
  • Activities with the use of smartphone application- preparing and performing activities, plays with the use of application such as e. g. hologram, QR codes, quiver


  • ,I create my garden with Technikoludek Romek’ listening to a poem (downloaded from the project web site), creating autumn decoration in the garden or the kindergarten’ s hall. A photo session with children with the use of the decoration
  • ‘Technikoludek in a mill’ or World Bread Day (October, 16th) creating didactic tools by teachers (multimedia presentation) and uploading it on the project website
  • ‘Pumpkin Day’ organising of a performance or activities about vegetables and their meaning for health in a foreign language
  • ‘The wind is blowing, trees are rustling’ creating an online game of speech therapy (word-wall or a different internet platform) Uploading of the link to the game on the project website.


  • ‘Technikoludek’s fairy tale night’- a night with educational fairy tales and integrative plays in the kidergarten, staying the night in the kindergarten.
  • ‘I am safe with Technikoludek’- organising of a performance for children ‘Cipher-celebration’ or olimpic games according to  one’s own conception, drawing attention to threats of the internet, improving children’ knowledge. Playing together to the songs.
  • ‘Techikoludek helps teachers and shares his knowledge and experience’- teachers’ trainings according to children’s needs

a) creating a multimedia presentation connected with a chosen day from the calendar of unusual holidays e. g. Forget-me-not Day

b) organising of teachers’ training e. g. creating of an instruction of a programme and uploading it on the project web site ( for completing of this task and reporting it the participant gets a certificate)

c) creating of a list of institutions helping parents and their children, uploading it on the kindergarten’s web site

d) organising of workshops or training for teachers or parents by a speech therapist or psychologist (possibly with the use of multimedia presentation) 

  • ‘Inventions then and now’ organising of an exhibition of equipment, watching of multimedia presentation (different presentations to choose from can be found on the project web site), a talk. ‘My invention’ a game for children.


  • ‘Technikoludek at the speech therapist’ Tasks to choose from:

a)’ I practice my speech with Technikoludek’ activities with a speech therapist on the basis of Logo Lab cards which are uploaded on the project site

b) Designing a card on a chosen sound. Uploading it on the project site. Designing of a teaching aid and sending it to the organisors’ address

  • ‘Technikoludek teaches me how to read’ Tasks to choose from:

a) Learning about the history of printing, creating of a picture story. Visiting of a library or a book store- learning about the work of a librarian or a bookseller

b) creating a book exchange point for children and adults in the kindergarten

c) volunteering of friendship- inviting schools to cooperate,  cyclical meetings of children with older students who read to them.

  • ‘I meet Technikoludek’s friends’ -open classes for parents with the use of a coding mat, ozobots, interactive board or other technological equipment. Writing of an article ‘ Technology in teacher’s work- possibilities and reality’ Sharing the article on the project web site or publishing in a magazine acknowledging the authors of the project and its name.


  • ‘The robots’ ball’ organising of a fancy dress party for children, children dressing up as Technikoludek. Technikoludek fashion show
  • ‘Virus- little viruses inside us which sometimes play tricks’

a) therapic activities on coping with anger

b) designing and creating stressing balls

c) designing anger pillows with the help of parents for a relaxation corner

d) conducting lessons with ‘Robaczki wciągaczki- threats of the Internet

  • ‘Saving life equipment’ presenting equipment and new technology to children (a phone, privileged vehicle, blood pressure meter, inhaler, learning of first aid procedure. Acquiring of skills to report hazardous situations on the phone
  • ‘ I can hear well’ conducting hearing games with the use of electronic equipment


  • ‘Techikoludek’s news creating of a kindergarten’s newspaper with the most important events of the month. Designing of a front cover. Introducing children to a profession of a computer graphic designer
  • ‘Safe Internet Day’ advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. Organising:

a) preventive classes in the classroom

b) preschool celebrations

c) Olympic games ‘ How much do you know about Internet threats’ according to your own idea. Sharing the scenario on the project site.

  • ‘ Radio Day’

a) Getting to know about the radio equipment, the radio presenter profession

b) a trip to a radio station or inviting of radio reporter to the kindergarten, creating a radio broadcast on the topic of the project

c) organizing an event such as for example ‘ weather forecast’ or ‘ preschool group latest news’ - children’s play as radio reporters.

d) An interview with a person locally famous or popular among children

  • ‘Winter time’ interesting ideas for games and plays in English. Recording a video film and uploading it on the project web site.


  • ‘Technikoludek at a trip to a museum’- watching exhibits, acquiring knowledge
  • ‘My disabled friend is also Technikoludek’s friend’ Tasks to choose from:

a) meeting with children who experienced some difficult situations e. g. wear orthosis, use a wheelchair, have prosthesis- teaching children respect and pro-social behaviour. Making a art craft gift for a friend in a hospital, foundation

b)Collecting of gifts for children’s wards in hospitals (toys, art supplies etc.)

  • ‘I learn about jobs with Technikoludek’

a) meeting with a person who uses technology in his/her workshop

b) organizing professional preorientation corner (e. g. a shop -using a cash register, counting money, selling goods)

c)a trip to a shop

d) inviting a voluntary parent who will present his/her  profession to children

  • Coding activities with Zosia- a little teacher robot (photo report)


  • ‘I am getting to know the culture with Technikoludek’ Tasks to choose from:

a) organizing unusual art workshop, model-making workshops

b) going to the cinema, theatre, art room

c) monuments and important places of culture in my town/city- children, with parents’ help, take pictures of important places. Creating a photo gallery.

  • ‘Technikoludek cares about the environment’  22, April Tasks to choose from:

a) collection of used batteries

b) sowing plants in the garden

c)making a drinking spot for insects

d)designing posters (with the help of parents, teachers) on the topic of taking care of cleanliness, collecting rubbish, putting the posters on the

  • ‘Technikoludek observes storks’ 31, May – creating of a presentation by the teacher about storks, observing storks’ nests on the Internet, making a craft, reading poems and tales
  • ‘Recycling games with Technikoludek’- designing an educational toy from recycling materials by children and their parents, organising of an exhibition.


‘Technikoludek’s cards’ Tasks to choose from:

a) sending a card about the city/town in which children live to Technikoludek on the organisers’ address (the card should by made by children)

Kindergarten no 41 in Rybnik

11, Chabrowa Street

44-210 Rybnik, Poland

b) sending a greeting card to a kindergarten from a different country

  • ‘Technikoludek visits Warsaw’ tasks to choose from:

a) creating a presentation about Warsaw by teachers

b) children make a map of Poland with the most important cities and rivers in Poland

c) children’s  craft on the topic ‘Technikoludek in Warsaw’ exhibition. Taking pictures of children wearing white and red

d) visiting Warsaw or other interesting places in Poland with the use of Google Earth, Google Street View

  • ‘ I speak properly with Technikoludek’ conducting classes with the sound ‘r’ on the basis of Logo Lab cards downloaded from the project website
  • ‘Technikoludek is helping my mum’ Tasks to choose from:

a) learning of a chosen song about parents, classes on the topic of technology used in the house making life easier

b) making a gift for Mother’s Day ‘ A robot helping my mother at work’

c)recording of Mother’s and Father’s Day performance 


  • Wind Day 16, June Tasks to choose from:

a) getting to know different sources of renewable energy, organising activities with kites in the garden

  • games with a speech therapist- different ideas of breathing activities, conducting classes, photo report
  • creating a presentation summing up the whole project with the most intersting pictures and events, uploading of the presentation on the kindergarten site
  • ‘We care for physical fittness with Technikoludek’- organising of a Sport Day

a) preparing of traditional playground games and activities with the help of parents

b) a football match- inviting fathers to take partaking

c) inviting a guest- a sportsman or sportswoman to tell his story of a sport career

  • ‘ I spend my summer holidays in active way’ organising an art contest in the kindergarten.

Any questions and requests please direct to the authors of the project through facebook project site  or e-mail:



We accept bookings under https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_ThqelhywIq-zvlEXKsxESA0K4w-b6Uc6ItXr7-xxlDNMwA/viewform


The first day in the kindergarten

by Aleksandra Mazur

It was a beautiful morning. The sun was sending its rays brightening and warming the Earth. It was the first time, when Technikoludek was about to go on a meeting with his friends, who had been writing letters, sending e-mails, photos and cheerful songs. He was really looking forward to meet them. He quickly checked if his batteries were fully charged, straightened up his antennae, cleaned and oiled his hinges and hit the road. When he was approaching the kindergarten, suddenly he heard a strange noise. He searched his memory and found what the noise was.

‘It’s laugh! How beautiful it sounds- the robot cried, astonished and delighted at the same time.

He sped up in order to get to the kindergarten classroom as fast as possible. When he stood by the door he heard a familiar melody: kids were laughing and singing Technikoludek’s anthem. All of Technikoludek’s lights flashed in different colours out of joy. He opened the door and came inside. That what he saw far exceeded his expectations.

‘Hello dear friend. Good to see you!’ children welcomed him.

‘Good morning my friends! It so beautifully in here. There are so many things I have never seen before! What is this thing for example?’ He asked pointing a large green object hanging on the wall.

‘It’s a blackboard.’ replied children. ‘It is used to write some information. The teacher, using the board, shows us how to write letters, how different geometric shapes look like or how to solve a task.

‘Aaaah, I get it. I use a screen to do that. You can move around the screen by touching it or using a special mouse- but not the live mouse, of course- Technikoludek laughed. ‘There are also different pieces of information appearing on the screen.’

‘And what about those colourful beads and boards?’ he pointed with his finger.

‘They are called abacuses or counting frames. They help us understand numbers and anything what we can do with them. It’s great fun!

‘I see. I have something like that too. It is a calculator. It also helps to do mathematical operations on numbers. And I will tell you a secret: it always gives a correct answear. It is never wrong, but shush..’ said Technikoludek and put his finger on his mouth.

‘Look what we have here.’ the children shouted pointing an interesting, round object.

‘What is that?’ asked Technikoludek quite curious.

‘It’s a globe.’ the children answered. ‘Thanks to it we can visit every part of our planet without even going outside the classroom.

‘Wow, it’s really amazing! I have something similar too. I have maps saved in my memory. I can show them on the screen. Thanks to them you can be in any possible place. You can even stand there and look around.’ The children watched in awe and started to clap their hands and cheered.

‘And over there, on that shelf? Such colourful..?’

‘They are books. Our teacher reads them to us. All the knowledge is hidden inside them. Every book tells about something different.’

‘It’s really interesting. I also have some ways to find out any interesting things. In order to to that I use a huge net which connects the whole world. It is called the internet. One should use it wisely. You can find plenty of information there, however not all of it is good and useful.

Our adventure is really wonderful, but you know what? I got a bit tired now.’

‘It’s just as well.’ said the children. ‘Because now it’ s time for something we like very much.’

‘ Oh, and what is that?’ Technikoludek asked.

‘Lunch break!’ cheerfully yelled the children altogether. Technikoludek smiled at them and said

‘I don’t eat lunch but I would like to charge my batteries instead. And we can play again after that. I am staying with you, guys. It is amazing that we can act and work together. Science and technology can complement each other. That’s fascinating!

‘Hurray, Technikoludek is staying with us! An amazing adventure is about to begin!


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